7 days to die a15
7 days to die a15

7 days to die a15 7 days to die a15 7 days to die a15

Personally, the crossbow is my primary weapon. A low quality steel axe isn`t much better than an iron axe same quality. GEt a forge going and make iron tools they are more than enough early game. Originally posted by unboundlopez:Ok sounds good FadingCeiling, thanks I'll know know it's more important to improve the quality of the weapons than the actuall skill for kinfing, archery, and clubing, but I do have to disagree about not needing a steel fireaxe the faster I cut trees the faster I get those spiked traps that cost 100 wood & the faster I can reinforce my house, and the faster I can work on other projects if I can gather resources much, much faster and in turn of geting resources faster I also level skills like mining faster.

7 days to die a15